Monday, June 6, 2011

100 Years Of Vincent Price

Again, as I was browsing the Web, I found this little piece of AWESOME!! I love Vincent Price. Not only for his movie work but for his radio work as well. He's truly the master of the macabre and terror. Zach Bellissimo drew 100 Vincents on 100 Sticky Notes in honor of Vincent Price‘s 100th birthday!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Kids Suspended From School For Light Saber Battle

Now, this is just ridiculous!

These two kids, Tom Cosrello and Ryan Angco, were suspended from their High School for staging a light saber battle during school. The battle was intended to be brief and funny. The school's principal Raymond Broderick must be either a Sith or a lame Trekkie. See for yourself below. And please "LIKE" the support page on Facebook by clicking here.


This video was posted to by "dragonmirnet86" on May 26, 2011. At the time of this blog post, the vid has been up about a week. IT'S BEEN VIEWED 17 MILLION TIMES!!!

It's simply a kitten sleeping next to his mother..... Well, watch the video yourself and you'll see why it's become viral!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear, Diary - Bin Laden's Journal Has Been Seized

As we approach the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks the mood, while still glum, seems to be a bit lighter since the killing ofterrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden. America is still celebrating the death of Bin Laden and little by little information has been released regarding the findings of the Navy SEALs.

Among the findings, however, may just be Bin Laden's most humiliating, yet possibly very informative, personal belonging. His hand-written journal has been discovered! He has long been known to jot down his ideas and thoughts in a diary. Along with the journal, about 100 flash drives and five computers have been found.

Now, I wonder... aside from possible plans for attack or confidential information, what would Osama's diary be like if he had the mind of a 12-year-old girl?

What does he write when he's not busy planning evil deeds? Could he possibly draw funny doodles in the margins? Maybe he's a 1990's kid at heart and had a "Slam Book" and passed the diary around to his terrorist friends. I could totally picture Osama walking around with a Lisa Frank-illustrated Trapper Keeper and a pencil box with built-in sharpener.

Dear Diary,
(sigh) I'm not feeling too hot these days. The modern face of evil
is looking younger and younger by the day. I'm getting old and
gray. I tried JUST FOR MEN... but it's JUST NOT THE SAME.
Ten years ago I was the poster girl for terror. But now..... :-(
My mind and my heart still yearn for evil, but has my flame
flickered out over time? I don't know.... but I'm glad I have you.
I wuv yoo, Diary! Only you understand me :-)

And I can only imagine all the porn and pirated music this guy must've had in those computers!
I know he was a terrorist but he was still a red-blooded guy. I bet he had a slammin' mix of Gansta
Rap, some Kenny G and William Hung's complete discography. As far as the porn... well let's
Leave that to the imagination.

To read the story of his seized journal click here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Well, here we are again! We're still recovering from "Talk Like Consuela Day" and and are gearing up for May 10!

Very much like "Talk Like Consuela Day," in Spring of 2010, just after "Talk Like William Shatner Day" I was inspired to create a similar holiday for "Family Guy's" Consuela. Soon after I began to search for a "Talk Like An Announcer Day." Again, none existed so I decided to create one. The challange was "when" to set this holiday. I asked my broadcasting professor, Tammy Trujillo, and she suggested May 10 for Gary Owens' birthday. IT FIT!

Gary Owens is best known as the lovable announcer for the hit 1960's comedy/variety show "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In." He has had a prolific career as a disc jockey, voice over artist and is currently the voice of the digital channel AtennaTV. His polished baritone voice is instantly recognizable as the archetypical announcer voice.

The proper announcer technique includes holding your palm to your ear (as if you're holding a headphones to your ear), lowering the pitch of your voice, speaking clearly, and sometimes expanding or emphasizing the last syllable of your sentence.

For an audio/visual reference of Gary Owens visit

We here at and LOVE Gary Owens and constantly discuss him in and out of class, on and off the air, and anytime ol' time. Join us May 10 as we celebrate Gary Owens' 75th Birthday and "TALK LIKE AN ANNOUNCER!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"TALK LIKE CONSUELA" DAY!! and present:

"Talk Like Consuela Day!"
In honor of Cinco De Mayo, we here at and proudly present "Talk Like Consuela Day." Who better to represent the Mexican people in animation than Consuela, the lovable housemaid from the animated TV hit "Family Guy."

Voiced by Mike Henry, who also voices Cleaveland Brown, Consuela is your average maid; always at the ready with her handy bottle of "Ween-dex," she'll tackle any household chore and domestic issue with the greatest of disdain.

In Spring of 2010, just after "Talk Like William Shatner Day" I was inspired to create a similar holiday for Consuela. During this time I was taking the Advanced Voice-Overs course and pitched the idea. Sure enough it became a class assignment and all of the students were encouraged to do their best Consuela impression. It was a HIT!

Now we present The Second Annual "Talk Like Consuela Day!" Whip out your dish-washing gloves and the Lemon Pledge and celebrate Cinco De Mayo in style! TALK LIKE CONSUELA!!

For an audio/visual reference visit

And to hear Consuela on the radio tune into and

Monday, May 2, 2011

U.S. Kills Osama bin Laden!!

Posted by Bob

A U.S. special forces team killed Osama bin Laden at a compound inside Pakistan and recovered his body, bringing a close to the world's highest-profile manhunt after a decade-long search, President Obama announced to the world Sunday night.

"Justice has been done," the president said solemnly in a hastily arranged late-night televised address from the East Room of the White House.

Bin Laden, he said, was "a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children," and his death was "the most significant achievement to date" in the U.S. war against the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

As described by the president and top administration officials who briefed reporters after the president's speech, the successful effort to track down Bin Laden centered on a trusted courier for Al Qaeda...

Read the whole story Here.